
Posts Tagged ‘future’

use twitter? follow us!

Sunday, July 27th, 2008

I’ll be co-driving for another team this weekend for Rally West Virginia (as early reconnaissance for our participation some day in the second round of Max-Attack). As a test for more future Demon Rally participation, I’ve signed up for Twitter and will attempt to broadcast updates for the team I’m working for out there. Just sign up to follow demonrally on Twitter (or watch via the web here) to see how the service might look for our team in the future!

updates, part 2

Friday, June 20th, 2008

I just uploaded a couple hundred pictures from Doo Wops 2008 and Olympus 2008 and some technical pictures of the damage from the roll. I also uploaded a video of the sweep crew rolling us back over on stage. Fun!

We’re still analyzing options for future plans. The goal is to be back out there by Oregon Trail at the latest. Stay tuned for more updates!

brief Olympus Rally debriefing

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

stage 1: 13th overall national, 1st overall regional. fantastic. a couple late note calls, but nothing too scary.

stage 2: lost it on a right into a left, tried to correct, but it spun too far. met a dirt bank on the front driver side corner, which increased the velocity of the spin. sent the passenger side corner deep into the dirt, flipping the car on it’s top. spun another 180 on the top and came to a rest. destroyed pretty good. to make matters worse, the video recorder got pulled off the mount and did not record the roll.

we’ve already had several generous offers for assistance. rest assured, our rally career is not over until the money runs out. keep checking here for some ways you might be able to help.

look for us out on stage again soon!